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'Greengrass is a festival to mark the official first day of spring in the Calendar of Harptos. It occurs annually on a special day between 30 Tarsakh and 1 Mirtul. Traditionally, the wealthier people brought out flowers to give to the less wealthy, who either wore them or spread them on the ground to encourage the deities to usher in the summer.
On This Day
- Worshipers of Chauntea celebrate a hedonistic fertility festival.
- Worshipers of the dwarven deity Dugmaren Brightmantle spend the morning in thoughtful meditation and the rest of the day at a scholarly symposium.
- Worshipers of Eldath celebrate the Greening by gathering and having a festival.
- Guardians of Gorm Gulthyn gather for ritual salutes, martial weapons displays, chanted prayers, and the offering of weapons used in a defensive action.
- Worshipers of Lliira open a holy festival with the Swords Cast Down ritual in which weapons are thrown on the ground with chanting and covered with fresh flowers.
- Worshipers of Mielikki observe planting rites and the Wild Ride, when herds of unicorns assemble and allow them to ride bareback through the forest.
- Worshipers of the dwarven deity Sharindlar gather around a natural underground pool to dance and perform secret rituals to the Lady of Life.
- Worshipers of Sune frolic outdoors.
- Worshipers of Talos call for storms and lightning.